Laimburg Journal Documentation

Here you can find information that will help you with your Laimburg Journal related tasks.

Laimburg Journal Document Templates

For the preparation of a Laimburg Journal manuscript use only the following document templates.

Article type Word 2007 and up
Original Works & Short Papers (Originalarbeiten & Kurzmitteilungen) laimburg-journal_paper.dotm
Reports & Miscellaneous (Berichte & Sonstige Beiträge) laimburg-journal_report_misc.dotm

Checklist for Authors

It is the intention of the following author guidelines to provide a general framework of rules for authors who are preparing a manuscripts for the Laimburg Journal.

For questions, improvement suggestions or critique please contact us.

Checklist Checklist file
Checklist in german Checkliste_für_Autoren_de.pdf
Checklist in italian Checkliste_für_Autoren_ita.pdf
Checklist in english Checkliste_für_Autoren_en.pdf

How to apply the Laimburg Journal citation style

This guide shows you how to correctly format reference list entries. It is important to always precede every reference list entry with an index number in square brackets (e.g. [1]) in order for the reader to connect in-text references to the corresponding full bibliographic reference.

Citation style How_to_apply_the_Laimburg_Journal_citation_style.pdf